Wednesday 9 January 2013

Day 24, Ireland, January 2

(Written by Emily)
Today was our last day in Northern Ireland and Belfast. We got the bus into town where we met the daughter of one of mum's old school friends from before she moved to Australia (30 years ago). We drove out to Ballybeen, mum's childhood hometown, and had coffee with Tracey. We went for a walk down to mums house and had some photos sitting on the wall out the front, and I'm sure anyone who saw us was probably very curious as to what we were doing! Haha

21 (I think) Cairnsmore walk, Ballybeen estate, Dundonald

After this we were driven into Ballyhackamore where we had dinner with grandas sister Ruth's son and his family - Ian, Dana and daughters Katy, Amy and Josie. It was lovely spending the evening with them, they reminded us so much of our own family dynamics at home! Older sisters teasing younger ones, especially! Ian gave me some photography advice and showed me some of his work and we had a lovely dinner with them before heading back to Georgies and packing to head to Dublin the next day.

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