Wednesday 9 January 2013

Days 25-28, Ireland, January 3-6

January 3

Today we caught the bus down to Dublin from Belfast. It's supposed to take just under 2 hours, but after a multi-car pile-up on the freeway it took us almost 3. YUCK.
We met George and Pauline at the airport, went back to their place and had a relaxing afternoon, dinner and I had a nap on the couch while Daniel watched some Irish TV. After I'd woken up, we went out to the pub for a drink and I tried my first Guinness... You'd think I would've hated it. OH MY GOSH. BEST BEER I'VE EVER TASTED! 

January 4

George brought us into Dublin today to see the town. There's not much to it! We went in a few shops, met Pauline and their oldest son David for lunch at Maccas, had a photo with a Leprechaun, saw Trinity College and a statue of Molly Malone (look her up on google if you're interested...), then got the bus back home again. We went out for dinner that night to an Italian Restaurant where George, Pauline, Mark and Kevin go every Friday night. Daniel asked the lady for a "Coke" but she couldn't understand his accent, so she brought him a "Corona"! It was very funny when Daniel told her it wasn't what he'd ordered! Then we went home and didn't do much.

January 5

I'd said to George that I wanted to see "the sterotypical Irish countryside, like you'd see in movies and on postcards, with green fields everywhere with sheep and cows" which sounded extremely stupid of me to say when he was telling Pauline what I wanted to do for the day! Anyway, we went up into the Wicklow Mountains, walked around an old cemetery in the hills at Glendalough and saw some pretty amazing Irish countryside. It was a great day, and the salad rolls in the car when it started raining finished the afternoon off nicely.

That night, Daniel stayed home and did some boring stuff - facebook, packing etc - while I went to and Irish Club. Mark (the son of the people we were staying with) is the assistant manager and his brother Kevin agreed to go with me to the club, so I was fortunate enough to not have to pay anything at all for entry, cloakroom hire and drinks. It was rather empty for a club but I had fun with Kevin nonetheless :)

January 6

Today we flew back to Germany. Not much to say, but the flight back was half an hour quicker than the flight there, and the view above the clouds just before coming in to land at Frankfurt was absolutely incredible! There were a million and one jets flying in all different directions at all different altitudes, the clouds looked like giant marshmellows and we just wanted to bounce all over them, the sun was just setting so there was a beautiful orangey/pink tinge in the sky - it was incredible! Having a window seat was the best :D haha. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a photo of it because it was during the descent that you could see all this, so my phone was already switched off :(
I had a bath before heading to bed early.

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