Wednesday 9 January 2013

Days 20-23, Ireland, December 29-January 1

Sorry its a bit late, and delayed.. but here it is!

Saturday, December 29

Today was our last day with Andrew, Gillian and Sarah and they took us to the Ulster Folk Museum. Its like an Irish version of that gold mining place in Ballarat which I cannot spell the name of... [Sovereign Hill] It was really good! Emily, Sarah and I walked up into a place where you can dress up and get a photo, but we didn't do that, we just talked to the guy, who though we were from New Zealand! Then we went into the church, bank, court house and other buildings from that time era. We went into one particular building, I can't remember what it was, but you could walk up right into the attic and there was a sign that said "Look up! The roof above you is over 300 years old!" We've never walked out of a room so fast! Then we figured out that the roof was older than Australia! We were freaked!
Every time we went into a room and there was a fire we stood in front of it for at least 5 minutes warming up before we left again. We went into one house and there a very nice guy in there, we talked to him for about 10-15 minutes, he directed us over to a small house and there was a new litter of piglets. It was cute, but it smelt bad.
Later that evening, we went to stay at Aunt Georgies. We had bacon, eggs and chips for dinner that night. And so ended our week with Andrew and Gillian. Stephanie and Jade came over for a bit and then we went to bed. I slept on the couch.

Sunday, December 30

The next day we slept in, and didn't do much. Then we went to Martys later in the afternoon. Had dinner there and chatted for a bit and got home by 11ish. I think.. I don't really remember. [Added by Emily: we also looked through some of Marty's photo albums... Saw some embarrassing photos of Gary (HAHAH) and photos from Marty's wedding where mum was the unofficial "flower girl" as she was coincidentally wearing the same colour dress as the bridesmaids, so she was in all the photos!]

Monday, December 31, 2012

On New Years Eve, Aunt Georgies son, wife and 3 kids - Phillip and Claire, Catherine, Peter and Rachael - took us into Belfast for the day. It was really good and we both had an amazing day! We went into a few shops, did some stuff, then we went into Nandos and had Nandos in Ireland, it was so different to Australian Nandos! Like.. wow. It was busier, they had a few different things on the menu and they had 2 different bastings as well! Mango and Lime, and also plain-ish.
We then headed up to the top of their big, fancy shopping centre/square, Victoria Square, where there is a dome lookout. It was so awesome!

^Prince Albert Clock - Belfast's "Big Ben" crossed with the
"Leaning Tower of Pisa" 

Later on that evening we went to Stephanies sons house for a kind of new years party. I remember, there was one drunk Northern Irish guy, and he asked me "So, whats the best part of your trip so far? You better say Belfast!" it was quite funny. Emily, Jade and I stayed until about 3.30ish. I played guitar  for the drunk Irish people. It was funny. Emily and I stayed at Stephanies house that night, I slept in till about 12, then got up and didn't bother having breakfast because we were nearly about to have lunch.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

 For lunch, we had like.. a roast? With various vegetables and what not. It was good! After lunch we all sat in the loungeroom then had desert, not long after desert.. shit went down! We started playing Bingo with the family. I've never seen so many people, from different ages (me being the youngest, right through to Aunt Georgie being the oldest). Most of the people were between 20 and 50 as well! It was weird.. I didnt win, however I did come close! I only needed 1 more number! Gaaaaah! :P
After bingo, Emily, Jade and I went outside and played with sparklers, it was quite fun! But then it started to rain so we went back inside. Not long after that we went home and went to bed!

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