Saturday 5 January 2013

Days 18-19, Ireland, December 27-28

Andrew, Sarah, Daniel and I went up the Antrim Coast today, because Andrew and Gillian have a house in Castlerock (north coast) near some amazing places in Northern Ireland. The coast road is beautiful, but long. We got to Castlerock after almost 3 hours travel, had some lunch and then went out to see the Giant's Causeway! It's an INCREDIBLE rock formation, but I won't try explain it with words...

It was a lovely afternoon and the weather stayed nice for us, which was good (despite looking cold and cloudy, it was apparently some of the best weather they would get the entire year... oh dear).
We went for a nice walk in the village of Castlerock with the dogs before dinner, and Daniel, Sarah and I stayed up late playing Scrabble (I won. We all cheated though), and a small game of Truth or Dare in which Daniel ended up with makeup on, and Sarah stood in the rain for a little while, and I melted an ice cube in less than comfortable places... Hahaha

The next day (Friday) we went for a drive half way up the hill in Castlerock and then a walk for the rest of the way to see the Mussenden Temple and Downhill Demesne. It was cold, windy, and super muddy with sheep and rabbit poop everywhere. We were rather mucky by the time it came to get back in the car, but we saw some incredible views from the top and it was a beautiful morning walk. :)

We had a relaxing evening at Andrew and Gillians for our last night staying with them, after getting back to Belfast around 5.30.

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