Friday 28 December 2012

Day 16, Ireland, 25 Dec - CHRISTMAS

So, today is generally an exciting day for a lot of people... US INCLUDED!

We woke up and opened presents in front of the Christmas tree with Andrew, Gillian, Sarah and Paul. And Daniel and I were spoilt! Daniel bought me a gorgeous necklace, and I bought him a nice watch, then Andrew and Gillian had bought us socks and chocolates and body washes, and Marty (another of mums cousins) had done the same. I got the fluffiest most amazing pyjamas, chocolate, and slippers, and Daniel got gloves and a beanie and chocolate also.

We spoke to the entire family for half an hour, Aunty Deborah, Aunty Catherine, Granny, Granda, Mum, Colin, Ashlee, Maggie, Denise, Riley, Barbara, Jessica (who was spoken to, rather than speaking to us. She likes listening on the phone! Typical 2 year old).

We went to church, and had Christmas dinner mid-afternoon. Roast Chicken, Beef, Ham, potatoes, soup, peas, corn, carrots... SO DELICIOUS. Everyone eats until they're full to brim (and then tries to eat dessert after that anyway) and we were not the exception. It was a great day, and an early night was much enjoyed. :)

Daniel watched Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Incredibles and Mythbusters with Sarah, then went to bed.

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