Friday 28 December 2012

Days 14-15, Ireland, 23-24/12

Sunday 23rd

When we woke up today Emily went to church with Gillian and Sarah, and I slept in a bit then had a conversation with Andrew after I got up. We had a roast lunch and then we went to Castle Ward. This is one of the only places I wanted to go to the WHOLE TRIP, because of one reason, Game Of Thrones was filmed there. Castle Ward was used as the court yard for Winterfell, the seat of House Stark. So I was a bit excited because I am obsessed with Game Of Thrones, so going where some of it was filmed was AMAZING! I must say though, it did look different but just knowing it was filmed there.. I was fangirling a bit. Emily, Andrew and Sarah went to visit Aunt Georgie for a chat, I stayed home and watched the comedy channel. Emily said it was great being in Aunt Georgies house again.

Monday 24th

Not much happened today. We watched Friends most of the day, then Gillian's family came over for dinner. It was nice food. There was curry and rice, lasagna, little sausages and sausage rolls and a pasta bake. We called home as well, that was good! Then after everyone had left we watched a movie called Mr. Stink. "Mr. Stink stank. He also stunk. He was the stinkiest stinker who ever lived." That was the first and last line, good movie actually. 

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