Monday 10 December 2012

Day One, Germany, zehnte Dezember.

Emily: Should we start with talking about the flight?
Daniel: It was long and boring.

So there isn't much to say about that... Except that for our connecting flight in Sydney, because we'd booked with QANTAS but were flying the next leg of our journey with British Airways, we couldn't figure out our flight number so we chose the BA flight that was going Singapore, then Frankfurt. So while sitting at the gate, this is what I hear on the loudspeaker - "Emily and Daniel Crisp, please make your way to gate 10, your flight is ready for departure." Turns out, we had to get on the Singapore-London flight and change planes in Singapore... Wonderful! So we were the last people on that plane, luckily enough we weren't the last people to sit down. We both also got more sleep on the plane than we thought we would, which was good.

Those of you who have been watching our facebook posts (well, Emily's) would know that it's been snowing here. That was exciting! But cold, very cold. The people we're staying with laughed at us for wearing so many extra layers!

And after going for a walk, eating lunch, taking photos and lots of chatting, we had a few hours of afternoon napping, then some shopping for Em, dinner and to bed early before an ADVENTURE tomorrow! Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone, don't be too jealous! ;) and if you want our German mobile number speak with mum or send me a private message on Facebook.

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