Monday 24 December 2012

Days 9-13, Germany-Ireland, 18-22/12


Daniel went to school with Yannick today and I had another day alone. I visited Anna, a friend who lives just around the corner, and as I'm allergic to her cat, we came back to Yannicks and hung out watching youtube videos. The day ended and we went to bed for another night.


We didn't do much this morning, but in the afternoon Daniel, Yannick, Anna and I went shopping in Darmstadt - a few of us needed Christmas presents and Daniel wanted to buy a coat. We ate pretzels for dinner and came back to Yannicks at 9pm ish.
Anna's older sister, who usually lives in Nuremburg, is up for Christmas and came over to meet us. We had a nice chat and tested each other on hard words to say in our languages. They struggled a little with "proposterous", but we had some fun :)


Again, another boring morning (for DANIEL! Mwahaha!). I walked to the next town this morning. After a few days of sitting around the house all morning (and sometimes all afternoon as well), eating a lot of cheese, I was starting to feel very unfit so I took myself off to Seeheim. I had a look around, took some photos, apologised to a few people for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ended up lost and asking a lady for directions, which I'm sure was incorrect German, and I knew she could tell (other than being lost) that I wasn't from around there because she spoke sooooo sloooowlyyy when giving me directions back to Jugenheim.

Jacky finished school early and wanted me to go out Christmas shopping with her, so we went into Darmstadt and I spent another afternoon shopping. It was nice spending time with Jacky. :)


We spent the morning finishing off washing to get ready to go to Ireland on Saturday. And in the afternoon I went with Dany and Jacky to deliver their Christmas presents and cards to people before they leave for Dany's parents place for Christmas.
Then, Friday evening, we had CHRISTMAS DINNER with Yannick, Jacky and Dany, and Anna joined us as did Yannick's oldest friend Nico.
It was the most amazing evening! We ate Raclette which is just like baked potatoes except that you have a grill in the centre of the table and everyone has their own little fry pan and you put everything you want on your potato in the fry pan and finish it with cheese, then put it under the grill to warm up and melt the cheese and it was heeeeavenly! Then you pour it onto your potato. SO YUMMY! And the table was all set nicely and we lit the candles and it was a beautiful night spent with some very special people.
At one point during dinner, Yannick and Jacky both went upstairs for something and Daniel suggested we hide, so that when they come back we'll all be gone. It worked a charm! We went down into the cellar and it was hard to contain the laughter, but we were down there for a good 5 minutes before they came down and found us. But when Jacky saw the empty table, I'm sure even my sisters in Melbourne could hear her scream! It was soooo funny and I couldn't breathe from the laughter! It was hilarious.

After dinner, we did some gift exchanging. The Christmas Tree Candles were lit and we all sat in the lounge, watching peoples faces as they opened their gift. I think there were two highlights for me - everyone laughing at the gift we got Yannick (that was just golden!), and how much Dany loved the present we got her. We chose very well, I think. :)
After this, Anna, Yannick, Daniel and I walked Nico home and then Daniel and I walked Anna home. All in all, it was a brilliant night, probably the best of the trip so far, and a night I'm not going to forget very soon.


Today we fly to Ireland! Nothing exciting to report on... Mad rush packing in the morning. Got to the airport. My bag was almost overweight (already!). We had a coffee together at Starbucks. Had a nice chat to an Irish lady on the plane. Got off the plane and discovered I can receive texts and calls, but can't send any. Got on the bus to Belfast and after 5 hours in transit, and 10 hours without food, we were in Belfast, chatting with Aunt Georgie, Stephanie, Jade, Andrew and Gillian. It's nice being here, and seeing everyone. I'm looking forward to a great 2 weeks with family, in an ENGLISH speaking country, where they drive on the LEFT!

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