Monday 17 December 2012

Days 5, 6, 7, Germany, 14. 15. 16. Dez.


The morning was a little boring, we didn't do much. In the evening we went out, the way the Germans do it. Daniel went for a boys night on the town with Yannick and some friends, and a friend of Yannick (Anna) took me out to a club with her best friend Katrin. Daniel taught the boys a game which they turned into a drinking game, and they walked around the city a bit. My night was a little more eventful... We got lost on the way there, so it took us two hours to find the place and we finally got there at midnight (it should have only taken about 40minutes). First we missed the tram so we went to Ali Baba where Anna had a beer while we waited for the next one. Then when we got into the city and had to change trams we got on the wrong one, so we got off and started walking... Only to realise how far away we actually were! We ended up on a street that was, let's just say it reminded me very much of things I've heard about St. Kilda! But in the end we got to the club, a little wet, but had a good time! I had guys buying me drinks and asking for my number, but of course they were talking in German so I just turned around to them and said "Sorry, no thanks, I don't speak German." We got home only a few minutes after the boys (we got a taxi home, much better option!) at about quarter past three. I went to bed at 4.


After not enough sleep, we got up in the morning ready for another day. Dany and I went to the shops, we bought a Christmas tree, some groceries and came home again. Daniel and I then went to Loop with Anna and Katrin for some Christmas shopping (Loop is like Fountain Gate. Big shopping centres aren't that common here). We bought a few things, I swapped my new coat for a smaller size and when we came home Anna told us how the Christmas tree decorations work here (some of them are really strange, and Dany puts candles on the tree instead of electric lights). We decorated the Christmas tree as a surprise for Dany and she loved it. It was a lot of fun. I was exhausted from the previous night though so I went to bed, however Daniel stayed up watching a movie with Anna.


Daniel, eating a crepe with nutella!
I wasn't so tired this morning, Daniel however had stayed up the entire night (again) and was exhausted. Today we were going to Frankfurt for the Christmas Market though, so he had to be up and ready to go out.  The market in Frankfurt was HUGE. It was so beautiful though. There were lights everywhere, so many different smells, sounds and colours! Unfortunately it was raining a lot of the day, but it was fun anyway. :)
I didn't like the gluehwein in Darmstadt on Thursday, but today I tried gluehAPFELwein. Warm apple wine. It was SO hot, I burnt my tongue :( It tasted much nicer though. Sweet and delicious. And I ate a Bratwurst for lunch. Omnomnom! We bought some gifts and had a look in the shopping centre that is so beautiful designed, then we went home.

Daniel and Jacky outside a typical german-looking building
- a honey-house! So many different types of honey!
In the evening, Jacky's church had a carols night that she wanted to go to, so we quickly got dressed up and left again, just Jacky, Dany and I. I didn't understand a lot of the words, but it was so amazing. Luckily enough, I know the Christmas story, so I could at least follow what was happening. After the drama/song/drama/song there was a short sermon and I didn't understand a lot of it, however I got the general gist of what he was saying, that Jesus brought peace, and Christmas isn't just a child's birthday, but a time that was given to us to bring happiness, and that if things aren't going well in our lives, we must change. It was a wonderful service.
On the way home, Dany let me drive! Oh my gosh it was weird. I was sitting on the left hand side, I had to drive on the right, the gear stick was on my right... Oh it was so WEIRD! I freaked Dany and Jacky out a little though, because I am so used to driving closer to the right hand side but I had to drive closer to the left and it scared them a little. Woooops. But I'd like to try again. :)
We got home at 8.30, and ate some potato and sausage soup, then I quickly got changed and turned my computer on, at 8.54pm, or, 6.54am Monday morning Melbourne time... I could access my VCE results at 7am. I was 6 minutes early. That was the longest and scariest 6minutes of my whole trip, and possibly of my whole year. I was so nervous. But I'm sure other people will think it were obvious (I don't think it was so obvious) that I had nothing to be worried about. I was extremely proud of my results and I did a very good job. I had two goals, to get an atar above 80 and to get my name in the paper, and I achieved both of those goals. :)
I slept very well that night.

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