Thursday 13 December 2012

Day 3, Germany, den zwoelfte Dezember.

Probably the best day so far... Well, for me at least.

We went shopping in the morning in the nearest city - Darmstadt - because Daniel needed gloves so we could go tobogganing in the afternoon/evening, so we managed to find gloves, and we drank these GIANT hot chocolates at Starbucks! They were so warm, it was great because it was -4 degrees yesterday :/

It was a sunny day, which was nice, but the snow only changed one thing, and that wasn't how warm it was - it was just MUCH more glarey due to the reflection of the sun on the snow.
We got the tram back to Jugenheim and took some photos of blue skies and pretty snow (and us). :)
This snow was sooooo cold! Considering it was -4 degrees outside!

After a nice afternoon at home, not really doing much, and some warm food for lunch (oh, it's so good eating warm food on below-freezing days!), Dany came home early from work and she took Daniel, Jacky and I out tobogganing/sledding! The little hillside where we played in the snow (like little children) was up in a mountain only 15minutes or less from where they live and you have to drive through two or three beeeautiful stereotypical german villages, and there were Christmas lights and decorations EVERYWHERE, it was just like magic! It gets dark around 4:30pm though, so when we left home at 5 to go there, it was already dark so we didn't stay long, but it was plenty fun on the sleds and having a snow ball fight!

We stopped at Aldi and another supermarket on the way home and bought some foods etc, and in Aldi, Daniel and I were AMAZED, they have a machine that when you press the button it gives you freshly baked pretzels! They are huuuge and so soft on the inside and we ate them for dinner. Daniel started scooping the soft inside out of his with a fork and we all laughed at him, it was very entertaining. I ate mine with cheese and it was sooo delicious! Omnomnomnom!

Looks awkward? Probably was! Haha, Jacky and I went down together, on a veeery small sled! I could not stop laughing!

Jacky and I... We decided that after a very snuggly sled ride together, we were best friends!

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